Tribute to my 27th Wedding Anniversary Today!
I wore my first and only wedding dress 27 years ago today! What a brilliant day that was! As I walked down the aisle in my 80′s style ‘Princess Diana’ dress including an extra long train, of course, I watched as my husband to be, Brian, was being steadied by the minister……I guess my beauty was a bit overwhelming! Needless to say, Brian would go on to need several more ‘steadying’ moments being married to a ‘few’ years younger, strong-minded, impatient fun loving bride!
Take my wedding dress for example. It was the very first one I saw, tried on and that was it, done. No messing around, hemming/hawing, just make the decision and getter done!
Little did I know at the time, that this trait of mine, making quick decisions which is neither right nor wrong, for me it just is, would become something I would come to not only recognize I had, but I would actually embrace. At different times over the years, this ability, this skill (trust me, over time I have learned to do my due diligence!), would be a great asset to us.
Backing up the story just a wee bit to the first time I laid eyes on the man who would become my husband. I was driving with my younger sister in ‘new territory’ when we came to a stop sign. I looked up and on top of a building was a god! Seriously, a blond haired, tanned manly man my eyes beheld!
I would not set eyes on my golden boy for another 5 months. When our paths finally met up, it was love! Upon our first ‘deep’ conversation, meaning not in the presence of any others, we admitted we were ‘into’ each other. Five days later, we were engaged with a beautiful ring on my finger, and 4 months to the day I was walking down the aisle!
During that walk…..I realized I barely knew this man that in minutes I was going to say “I Do” to. Somehow, someway, i just knew I was embarking on a journey of a lifetime, an adventure, a wild water rafting thriller! We were going all in and we would be lifers! The good, the bad, the ugly ‘the better or worse’ would be our reality and our vows to each other.
To commemorate each year of my marriage, I would purchase a dress, usually in the spring time or early summer. They weren’t necessarily white, any color, all colors! Yet, each year I would find myself as I was 27 years ago…..purchasing the first one that caught my eye, ‘spoke to me’ and with no hesitation, I would buy it!
27 dresses later…….my closet full, my heart even more full. I am so happy to have married ‘on a whim’ the one who ‘spoke to my heart’. A guy that is pure gold and worth more than 27 dresses to me!
Cheers to marriage. Cheers to my marriage. Cheers to 27 dresses. Oh, by the way, I am going shopping tomorrow… guessed it! For my 28th dress!
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Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.
Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae.
Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.
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