Being Stretched?

These last few years have been some of the most stretching of my life Older than I have ever been….yet being compelled to stretch further!

27 Dresses by Kristen Olynick

I wore my first and only wedding dress 27 years ago today! What a brilliant day that was! As I walked down the aisle in my 80′s style ‘Princess Diana’ dress including an extra long train, of course, I watched as my husband to be, Brian, was being steadied by the minister…

Doing What We Love... Making..

About a year and a half ago, a few of us started an automobile donation and recycling charity called...

nO StRAighT LiNEs

Where no oxen are, the trough is clean; But much increase comes by the strength of an ox...

What Is Your Vision Of Need?

Nehemiah got a look at a city that was vulnerable and in disrepair and he got passionate about doing...

Our Gift & Our Legacy

Here we are, into the second half of 2013, showcased with the birthdays of Canada and the USA! Each country unique and distinct, while being bordering neighbours covering a huge land mass on our precious planet. I love and celebrate these two countries so much.

It Is About You!

We have all probably been ‘put in our place’ by some who will state, “It’s not about you, it’s about God.” Seriously! God thought of us and created us even before He made the world (Ephesians 1:4). Each of us with a unique design, DNA, along with unparalleled compelling desires in us. It really is about you

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